Start Writing

Start Writing
Stop Writer's Block

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How To Start Writing In Eight Seconds

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with
me? Leave me your opinion.

There's no need for you to get writer's
block, ever again. Ignite your
imagination with the technique I've
developed over the years.

Go from a blank computer screen
to writing in less than eight seconds.
There's no age limit to working my
simple technique. Actually, it's fun.

It works for me. I don't experience
writer's block, and that alone is a
major motivator.

"What's the technique?" You stared
at the last line.

Look around the room you're sitting
in. In that room sits many writing

What did your eyes, first, land on?
It will be what you start writing about.

My eyes caught the bottle of hand

Now, if you're not comfortable with
writing about one object, pick
another one.

Name the item. Use the name of
it to begin the writing process. Look
at the name inside out, upside down,
and side-ways.

My word, hand sanitizer, can spin
into fiction or non-fiction.

Let's look at it in fiction.

"Look, a hand is at the window!"
Patty shouted.

"Didn't see it, and it's not dark?"
Rhonda stopped walking too.

"No, I don't wanna go in that old

"We just left school, and she'll
pass the house."

"Not goin' in there." Patty walked
pass the house.

The two, middle school age, girls
gathered a distance from the
abandoned house.

"Not gonna take long," Rhonda
insisted. "Only be in there a
few minutes."

Patty glanced up at the house,
trembled. "Somebody..."

I looked at hand upside down,
and my imagination came up
with the above.

An essay on how restaurants
sanitize their kitchens would
be interesting. Or, do restaurants
remind employees to wash their
hands after bathroom use?

How is your writing idea working
out? If one idea isn't working, try
the next one.

It's helpful to pick more than one
object to write about.

Hand sanitizer upside down?

It's a health-care tool, cleaning

I can write from the health care
angle. There is no limit on
the writing ideas from one object.

Write down what your object is,

Go from blank screen to writing in
eight seconds, or less. Use
anything around you.

Use this technique for any topic,
area of interest.

In closing, my technique stops
writer's block, and keeps your
imagination popping out ideas
in less than eight seconds.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why Passionate Writers Are Successful

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

Passionate writers are successful,
because they write everyday. They
slip time in for writing, sometime,
during the day or night.

Perhaps, some set their alarms
earlier to have time to write.
This is how you learn to write
better. You practice.

It's true that the more you
nurture your talent, the better
writer you'll become.

Substitutes don't exist for the
passionate writer. He/she has
to write through writer' block,
rejection slips, and the days
when you're not in the mood.

Passionate writers work with
one word, for example, to
curb writer's block. Pull any
word out of the air. Write
several sentences about it,
to foil writer's block.

If that doesn't work, grab
another word, or event to
write about.

Writer's block will scurry
away as you continue.

Nurture your talent through
rejection slips. Rejection
isn't comfortable coming
from any direction. It
isn't a personal attack on

A rejection slip, for writers,
is a fact of the writing life.
Learn from it, and don't stop
believing in yourself, your

Could there have been something
you didn't do to make your work
more appealing to the editor?
You requested guidelines for
the publication? Were you
familiar with its style, tone?
Did you make sure your work was
punctuation perfect? Was it the
right publication for your work?

The above questions fall under
writing better. They must be
answered before sending your
work out.

"I don't feel like writing
today." You said.

In fairness, if you're ill,
don't write. Nurture your
talent when you're better.

However, the passion for
writing stirs you on, and
you feel better after
writing a page, or two.

Passionate writers rest
when he/she has no choice.

The passionate writer is
successful, because they
make writing a habit. He/
she nurtures his/her talent
through obstacles like
writer's block, and
rejection slips.

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