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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael Jackson: Lost Child-Hood

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

The young boy who danced, moved, in
ways unseen. He changed the pop
world, challenged causes, and
charmed the world.

There was something mysterious
about him. We saw the heights
and lows his life took.

Fame is two-sided. Few realize
that fact until it's too late.

There's a price to be paid
for fame. You must give-up
something, lot, for it.

Sometimes, it's too

Along the rode to his
dream, fame, he gave-up
his child-hood.

As result, we saw the
darker side of this giant

A talent that knew no
boundaries. One which
could have reached any

Only, sexual abuse allegations
against children scarred his
reputation. Although, they
were unproven.

The years of longing for a
child-hood, loneliness,
and illness took its toll
on him.

It seems to be the norm
to fill the hands of
our talented, giants,
and icons with
drugs in any form.

He, too, fell into
the trap.

One that is under
the influence of
chemical substances
can't say, "No!"

Who speaks for one
that is under? Whose
fault is his death?

Or, blame can't be

The pop icon was worshipped
in different cultures. He paved
the way for others.

The man created a home
children would adore.

He wanted his child-hood
back, but life doesn't
work that way.

You can't change an
instance in life, mis-spoken
word, or re-live your

Still, it's no denying
his robust energy, the thrill
he gave audiences, and joy
he projected from the stage.

The eleven-year-old kid that
splashed on stage grew
into a prince, institution.

He left a global star.
One achievement was to
open main-stream music
for Blacks. They, now, show-
case their tunes to the main-
stream in music, and doing

Michael Jackson showered
the world with his unique
flavor, style. Now, he rests.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What Everybody Ought To Know About Transitions

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me?
Leave me your opinion.

Transitions takes the reader,
by the hand, from one idea
to the next. They help people
understand how a point was
reached, and smoothly connect
it to the next point.

A transitional word, sentence,
or phrase smoothly moves
the reader along, and establishes
a logical approach to paragraphs.

A transitional word is written at
the beginning of a new paragraph,
but can be placed at the end of
a paragraph too.

Strange odors come from my
neighbor's house. The smells
resemble sulfur, and some
my nose have never encountered.

In the market, a broken down
refrigerator had an offensive
odor. The same kind of smell
comes through the wall from
my neighbor's house.

"Where did that come from?"
You asked.

I didn't use a transitional
word or sentence. Therefore,
you were thrown-off the
smooth path of logical
reading. It shook you,
and you wondered if you
missed the point.

Here's an example of
using transitions.

I arrived late at
the meeting, and
my back burned from
the eyes barreling
down on it.

In spite of it, I managed
to get a long applaud
after my presentation.

In spite of it leads you
smoothly to the next

I'll list some transitional
words, phrases.

At least, however, in spite
of, on one hand, nevertheless,
in contrast, and rather.

I'll give another example.

The two boys bickered,
and fought all night. I
tried to get them to
compromise. They, even,
disagreed about that.

However, I gave them no
choice, and they decided
to talk about the problem
next week.

At least, the line of
communication is...

Now, transitional words
are used to distinguish
a sequence of events
as in the following.

First, they took the
house apart, and left it.

Second, I called their
boss, and he...

Next, I gathered the

Finally, the owner...

Look at another example.

I'll explain what happened
on that frightful day.

First, I arrived. There were
no tell-tale signs of what
awaited me inside.

Second, I found the
emergency key, and slid
it in the lock.

Third, a man snatched the
door open.

"Where is Tara?" I asked.
"We agreed to meet at
the mall."

Her brother joined
the man at the door.
Her brother, Joe, rolled
his eyes to the ceiling,

Finally, he grabbed...

Are you beginning to
see how transitions
are used?

How would you have
written the above

I suggest to write
transitions in non-fiction,
or fiction. Place the
transitions in, and
re-arrange them. Make
the piece better by shifting
the transitions.

Keep editing until
you've decided
it's ready.

In closing, what
everybody ought to
know about transitions
is clear. They make
your writing easier to
understand, and more

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You Want To Write A Book?

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with
me? Leave me your opinion.

"I want to write a book."
Several people have told

It's a rewarding journey.
It involves writing, re-writing,
but well worth the effort.

I know the excuses that
you give yourself.

I gave myself reasons to
avoid writing book length
work too.

I don't have time, not sure
where to start, no one
will like my book, and/or
where will I write?

You're giving yourself
excuses for not writing.
Instead, find time during
the day or night to write.

It takes several weeks,
years, to complete a
novel. It depends on

What will your book be?
Fiction or non-fiction?

My book is a work of

Your writing time should
be in a place just for
writing. Tune-out
everything else.

This means turning-off
your cell phone, television,
ignore loud neighbors,
and write your book.

Today, I'm going to
discuss fiction.

Start by deciding on
what the book will be
about. Create characters,
and a setting.

My setting was any urban
city USA.

Where will the
story take place?
Locked Library?
City? Rural?
In the middle of
a crowded
restaurant? Or,
a country different
from your own?

Make a profile for each
character. Will the main
character have a limp, blue
eyed? Or, a female with
a rude manner? Still,
she has many friends? Or
not? Educational back-ground?

Profiles contain any information
you feel a character should

What problem will the main
character be forced to resolve?

The main character in my novel
had to find a way out of a dare,
and handle her female boss'
sexual harassment.

Long fiction, book length,
has more than one problem
to address.

Chapter one introduces
the main character, and the
problems he/she is engulfed

Other characters are stirred
in. The secondary characters
must move the story along,
and not just take-up space.

Write two or three pages daily.
Write for, at least, two hours.

The first write-up is a
draft. There will be time
to edit. For now, write.

Make sure, there's
plenty of conflict,

A character must try
to succeed a minimum
of three times before
reaching his/her goal.

Throw obstacles at him/her.
Have a scene where the main
character almost makes it,
but some force ruins it. Or,
the opposing character
spoils it.

Show the character's reaction
to this disappointment.

At the end of the story,
a character is different.
Perhaps, he/she learned
to stand-up for him/herself.
Found a new meaning to
his/her life?

The change is for the
better, or worse.

Always explain any
issues introduced
during the story, or solve

Don't dream about writing
a book. Do it. I know
you can.

Simply, believe in yourself.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here Is A Method That Is Helping Me To Write More

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

There's a method that is helping me
write more. I had no idea inspiration
comes from this source. It's easy to
over-look this vast source of writing

I'm sure this ready-supply of
ideas are all around you too.

"What is it?" You questioned.

The method that's helping me
write more is people's behavior.

Yes, people's behavior.

People around you, at work,
those you pass outside, people
in various places like the market,
some making news, and

There exists endless writing
ideas based on people's
behavior. Shape the writing
ideas into fiction, non-fiction,
essays, or poems.

Some of my neighbors, for
example, bird call in the early
morning hours.

Yes, they imitate the sounds
birds make.

This morning, it started
around 3:30 a.m.

"Why?" You pondered.

I have no idea, and don't
want to know.

Are they insane?

However, it stirs to mind
writing ideas.

The behavior can be
researched, and an essay

Possible title: Joblessness
Plays With The Mind.

Joblessness hurts some so
badly until they find ways to
harass others. They see it
as funny, but their actions
reflect badly on them.

It's truly sad when they
have their children
acting in such a
disrespectful manner.

I don't want to think
about the cruel adults
those children will
spawn into.

The behavior depicts...

A second idea follows.

It's of teens roaming
out of control. He/she
steals, sell drugs, and
anything else he/she
wants to do.

Specific behavior
come to mind? What
will you write?

I, too, see this kind
of behavior in my

People gun their
vehicle engines as
they pass my house.
Buses, cars, and trucks
do it.

On June 7, 2009, people
roared their engines from
the early morning hours
until night.

Now, the street is small.
Accidents have happened
on it.

One day, a corner house
leaned, and fell to the

Now, I can't be certain
the buses, cars,
and trucks toppled

One idea is to pin-point
the male who had an
accident at the corner.

He couldn't stop, and hit
a wall.

Only, the next day, the
wall looked like usual.

The car was gone.

Hmm. Who removed
the car, and fixed the wall?
Human or other?

In conclusion, there are
many writing ideas that
can be based on people's
actions. Sift around your
neighborhood, and see
the writing ideas that
jump-out at you.

Notice people's behavior.
Jot-down the writing
ideas that you want to

Friday, June 5, 2009

Writing Ideas From Life

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

In high school, an English teacher
noticed my flair for word creations.

"You have a way with words."

"Uh huh." I nodded, didn't mean
much to me.
I continued my education, and
began to appreciate my writing

Still, I pushed away the idea of
taking it seriously.

The degree and I found a job,
planned to retire from it.

The unthinkable happened. I was,
unjustly, fired.

Devastated covered only one of
the emotions I felt.

"Why?" you asked

My former manager and
co-workers weren't happy
with taking away my

They took it to the street.

My neighbors began being
rude, to put it lightly. Now,
I spoke to them, but they
weren't friends.

Strangers bumped into me
as they passed on the

I was forced to call the
Philadelphia Police.

They were the first on
the scene to take me
seriously. They came
to my aid. I was a person
with no money, and no
connections. Yet, they
found my complaint had

The tears dried up.

I turned to writing a detailed
account of what happened at
my former job, but fictionalized

Besides, I was unable to
get a job. I sent out over
one-hundred resumes.

All kinds of doubts
invaded my thoughts
about my novel.

Can I do it? Would anyone
buy it? Publisher? Maybe,
an agent?

I shoved those writing-stoppers

I wrote the novel, not sure where
to go with it.

I found someone to critique it, but
her rates were too expensive.

"I'm cheap compared to others."
She assured.

"It's just that my funds are limited.
My elderly mother shares her food
with me."

"Good luck."

I trashed paragraphs, and improved
the plot. From time to time, peppered
it with more suspense.

I crossed paths with an agent, sent
him the manuscript. He returned it
with a scribbled note that read,
"Work on it."

I did. A telephone call or two from
him showed me my book was
not on his submit to a publisher
list. I moved on.

Next, I enrolled in a writing, mail-
order, course. The instructor
had the option of recommending
a student's work for publication
with the school.

Of course, my manuscript failed
to get picked.

I tried a second attempt at taking
the course, and my manuscript
was tossed back into my hands.

It was time to read on my own.
The goal was to get a better
understanding of plot, suspense,
and breaking into the writing

Surprisingly, no one explained
the reason(s) my manuscript
wasn't acceptable.

So, it was up to me.

When I critique someone's work,
I explain my comments. I tell
people why their work will be
rejected. It's the humane thing
to do.

After studying on my own, I
managed to pin-point, correct,

Meanwhile, my search for a
publisher went on.

My efforts paid-off.

Life gave me the writing idea,
and I had the courage to use

My novel, Grave Street House, was

At any given moment, life will
throw dirt at me, you. I'll write
about it. What will you do?

In closing, life gives us many writing
ideas. Some are funny, and easily
written about. Others take effort to
write about.
An excerpt from my novel, Grave Street

"Amanda, few of us are goin' to the club.
Come with?"
"No, I have to get home, because my
mother wasn't..."
"Not gonna last long 'round here with
that attitude."
"I'll go another time."
"Has to be now."
"Why didn't you let me know before the
last minute?"
"That's why they say stuck-up using ya're
name." She rolled her eyes.
The trust I had for them added up to
zero. The thought of going out with them made
me uneasy. A trick? The way they talked
openly, loud in the work area. It showed they
were capable of doing anything. I preferred
not to be in their company.
On the other hand, if I joined them at the
club, how bad could it be with others around?
Plus, if I go now, never again.
"All right, I'll go out with you one time."

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