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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Write Through It

The Boston Marathon victims and any unexpected situation, in life, can benefit by writing through it. Writing is one tool to aid victims, or people dealing with unexpected situations.

Unexpected situations involve weeks, months, even years after the incident happened before healing begins.

Write through it is therapeutic, allows expression of feelings. Actual events are sifted through when they can't be spoken about. You face it when you're ready through writing. Cry. Utter words, but slowly move forward.

Some days, you can't think about it and don't want to write. On other days, you'll express more.

Work at a pace comfortable for you. No one is grading or competing with you.

Before long, you'll leave behind victim status. Control life, direction, is in your hands.

It starts with one toddler step at a time by writing through it.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Effective Communication

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Effective communication is a must for writers, and those presenting specific messages. The short term goal of helping people to understand effective communication, your message, means you'll reach long term goals. Effective communication starts with simple words to convey your message. Technical jargon should be used sparingly. No one wants or enjoys looking up every other word in the dictionary, and confusion is avoided with simple words. Your audience will not only be confused with technical jargon, but moves on to a writer's work that's easier to read/understand. Most likely, people will make a note to avoid other work by you. Effective communication gives the impression that the words are directed to readers, or readers feel comfortable enough to respond to your words. Take a look. Personal Coach Need to discuss issues? Help closing "the" deal? Just talk? Contact me.

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