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Monday, November 25, 2013

Detail-Less Writing

I don't feel that there's can't write or writer's block. My blog,, lists many avenues to escape can't write and writer's block.

Detail-Less Writing is one more tool to stop can't write and/or writer's block.

First, you must push stress out of the door. Wash your hands of stress. Stress frustrates. It keeps you motionless and your goals are ignored. Of course, your goal is writing, or to finish/start your writing project.

Calm down. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly.

Detail-Less Writing is selecting one word from a writing idea or writing project.

Write any related words or information about the word. Write a poem, even, to encourage your creative flow.

Keep Detail-Less Writing until you're able to work on your writing idea or writing project.

Pinch the first letter of any word to spring-board into writing about your topic. This is an additional facet to Detail-Less Writing.

At this point, you should be more relaxed. Creative flow is inspired. If yes, good. No? Work with other letters of your topic.

Most likely, writing ideas for more topics will emerge.

The writing exercise is worth the time. Design it to fit you, your writing needs.

Let me know how the Detail-Less Writing tool helped you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Writing Check-List

In writing, it takes more than a few well placed words for vivid images to live. Writers should consult Writing Check-List. Writing ideas, work-in-the-making, are sifted through Writing Check-List, to make your projects better.

Writing Check-List is a writer's tool that should be used frequently.

It's wise to take a break from writing projects. You'll come-back refreshed, and better able to critique. Issues and problems with your work becomes clearer. It's easier to deal with an issue, problem, when you can see it.

Writing Check-List requires question asking like the following.

1. Is your writing understandable?

The night melted into darn...

In my mind, I meant to write dawn. The Check-List pointed out my mistake.

2. Writing projects must be stuffed with vivid images. This applies to fiction and non-fiction.

3. Strong verbs makes reading more interesting.

Bill ran.


Bill dashed.

Dashed tells how urgent the situation is for Bill.

4. Paragraphs move with ease from one to the next.

Each idea begins a new paragraph.

5. Transitions flow from idea to idea, effortlessly.

6. Discard words that's not needed.

Well, it happened, last night, on November 14, 8 p.m.

What word(s) should be discarded.

7. The opening sentence, fiction or non-fiction, must grab the reader's attention.

8. Titles are what potential readers see, usually. The title is an invitation to read your writing
project. The invitation tickles the senses, opens-up disbelief, for example.

This is the hook to catch readers interests. You have only seconds.

In closing, Writing Check-List is a tool to inspire the best fiction or non-fiction within you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Bitstrips has been available since 2008. It launched the IOS App about one month ago.

Bitstrips is a free mobile app that uses Facebook login. However, Bitstrips login will be out soon, according to the company.

The app turns you into a cartoon character, Jacob Blackstrock, Creative Director. "Then you can take those characters and put them in crazy scenes."

Users build avatars by selecting physical features like: skin color, hair-style.

The characters are displayed in thousands of different, updated scenes. You have the option to include Facebook friends, or not.

Characters can be shared on other social networks.

Bitstrips gained popularity in the Apple App Store and Google Play store, recently.

I signed-up for an account today. It was easier than I thought, or was told it'd be to get an account.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Peel Ideas Into Writing Projects

Writing ideas stand-tall in dreams, walk around the market and live on the Internet. It takes a writer's creative flow to peel ideas into writing projects.

A dream that repeats itself, night after night, can unfold into fiction. Some dreams appear vividly and refuse to be forgotten.

Slice-away a segment, part, of the dream to write about. You don't want to write fiction? Write an essay about a portion of the dream. Your creative flow may prefer to write non-fiction on your dream. Use the dream in as many angles as possible. This is how the process of peeling ideas into writing projects begins.

The more you write about it, the better you'll understand your dream. After all, writing is therapeutic and good for you.

Stay on the look-out for writing ideas, no matter where you are. I can't emphasize that enough.

At the market, this happened to me, a stranger was on his cell phone. I didn't pay it any special attention.

"She's here with pink flip-flops on," he said.

Needless to say, I quickly moved away from him.

There are many writing ideas within that incident that comes to mind.

Fiction based on a stalker holds promise. An essay probing the loud tone people use on a cell phone. One last short story idea is that the man didn't have anyone on his cell phone. He wanted to speak to a female, but fear had him in it's grip.

The Internet, too, is a place to peel ideas into writing projects. Every link, Web site, offers material. Writers must decide which idea to use, how.

Let's look at an example.

Critique And Write Fiction

There's one more step to the writing process before sharing with the world. Few, if any, can skip it. Read the entire post at:

Do you get any ideas from Critique And Write Fiction? If yes, share them.

The last words are that it's time to write.

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