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Monday, April 21, 2014

Make Better Choices

Life Patterns

The three words make better choices are true for most people in some aspect of their lives. Life patterns, way of doing for years, aren't easily changed but you can do it.
  • Set a goal.
  • Pick the life pattern of most concern.
  • This is after taking inventory of you.
  • Better choices can begin. 
Life patterns are changed one step at a time.
  • Ease into better choices.
  • Each day work on your better choice.
  • A new you is difficult all at once.
  • Stop behavior contrary to goals.
It took years to get comfortable or tolerate a life pattern.
  • Be patient with yourself.
  • Courage.
  • Don't panic over a slip.
  • Come-back stronger tomorrow.
How to tackle the life pattern, for example, of not being able to say "no?"
  • I'll have to get back to you.
  • I can't today, maybe some other time.
  • We'll discuss it later.
  • When all else fails, "no."

The original post is at:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

From Notes to Novelist

Write Your Novel.

I went from notes to novelist by commenting, in a diary of sorts, about being "retired" from a job. Yes, it took time, but you can do it too.
  • Select a topic.
  • Be passionate about it.
  • Stir-in research, if needed.
  • Start writing. 
Writing is therapeutic.
  • Vent.
  • Describe your feelings.
  • What happened?
  • Come to terms with it.
Sometimes, welling up emotion stops you.
  • Take a break.
  • Come-back in a day or three.
  • Make notes.
  • Dig deep for strength.
Tell your story.
  • No one can tell it as well as you.
  • Begin chapter one with the problem.
  • Show the conflict and suspense.
  • Move forward from chapter one with action.
Write every-day.

Original post at:

Monday, April 7, 2014

Components Of Attention Grabbing Plots

Good Plots

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion.

 Plot is the problem in a work of fiction, and how a writer sifts through a "fiction world" to resolve it. 

Good plots are woven through action, suspense and conflict.  

Action between opposing characters can be intense, and it's one way for characters to learn about the other's position. 

•A good plot grabs attention. 
•People keep reading.  
•A character's plight moves the story forward.  
•The incident has a chain reaction.  
•A shake up in "fiction world" for some. 

 Suspense happens each time a character almost succeeds, stumbling blocks are thrown in the main character's path. 

•Characters probe for answers to a murder. 
•Someone sprinkles false clues around "fiction world." 
•Frustrated, but determination pulls the character along. 
•The same character makes a desperate move. 
•Suspense builds as to what will happen. 

 Conflict means a clash while differences surface. 

•At this point, the two opposing forces meet. 
•Betrayal and bitter words are exchanged.  
•Each knows the other's position.  
•One wins or loses this particular round. 

 Opposing parties prepare to out-do each other to the end.

Original post at:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Write from Life

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion.

Game To Writing

 It's productive to spring-board from one writing project to the next. Only, life stands-by with a hammer to interrupt routines, that leave you blinking at a blank screen and nudge creativity to take a vacation. 

You, writers, must work with life by making a game of it. Besides, there are far too many serious moments.

 Look at what interrupted your routine. Make a game of it for writing.

 In my neighborhood, there's a constant rumble of vehicles moving up and down the street I live on.

 My game about the truck rumbling is to turn it into non-fiction. Perhaps, why trucks make a specific sound? Truck design determine how heavy a load it carries? 

 There's no limit on what to write about. It depends on you, the writer. 

"What to write?" You said. "Blink screen." 

 Spin it into a game. You have five options to flip a blank computer screen into a writing project. 

 On slips of paper, jot down five possible writing sources or places to get writing ideas. The sources (for this article) are writing prompts, something that made you laugh, your last thought, weather, or a sad moment. 

 Fold the papers in half and throw them into a container. Shake. Pick one. Spring-board to writing with the idea that stirs-up your creativity.

 A writing prompt, believe, for instance. Believe. 

 Look at it. Write it. Stop. Start working on a writing project. 

 Now, creativity is on vacation. 

 Re-fresh creativity by writing down any word. The word(s) could be from the previous paragraphs. Look at objects in your room. Write about words playing, exciting, your creativity. 

 The words are used in fiction or non-fiction. 

 Finally, a game of writing from life keeps you churning out writing projects.

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