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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Writing Goals

 Be Specific
 Writing goals should be given careful thought before attempting. Take a seat. Jot down all the goals you will achieve. Pick one to work toward and bring to life. Realize one goal, and slowly walk toward the next one on the list.
  • List goals like blogger or novelist.
  • Rank them in order of importance.
  • Number one to be reached first.
A goal must be important. The specific goal should be worked on each day, or schedule time for a specific goal.
  • Two hours before the day begins.
  • Perhaps, a time set by you.
  • You could need more than a few hours to work on your goal.
Some goals are involved and have to be sliced into pieces. A goal could necessitate that research be done in order to start. Decide how best to proceed.
  • First, select the institution to attend.
  • Your life-style calls for online courses.
  • Smaller slices will lead to reached goals too.
Writing goals stirs in the possibilities of obstacles showing up. It's not the time to panic. Stop. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Begin scribbling down ways to combat obstacles. Or, return tomorrow with ideas of slipping around obstacles.
  • Socialize less?
  • Surround yourself with people that have similar interests.
  • Depart from people with negative criticisms.
It's important to push away distractions that confuse or nudge behavior away from writing goals. There are too many people, places or habits that rubs out goal achieving efforts. A person who, for one reason and any reason, finds fault with your writing goals move away from. A mall, park or house everybody talks about pulls your attention to it, today. The habit of doing, wasting time, online is extra inviting. This is the moment determination must kick in.
  • Focus on the goal.
  • Think of reasons it's a goal.
  • Look at what you've done so far.
Beware of certain behavior. If you prefer to do anything but work toward a goal, stop. It means, somewhere in a crevice of the mind, the goal lost its appeal. The conclusion is that it's not attainable.
  • Don't waste anymore time with it.
  • Throw it out.
  • Look at the list of goals and pick the next one.
Spend more time with a goal that's rolling toward completion. Give yourself a deadline.
  • Two weeks.
  • Three months.
  • Two years.
Writing goals should become part of life. Motivation for goals can come from what you're trying to achieve, just keep doing. Reward yourself when there's a successful step forward. Paste up words of motivation on a mirror, slip of paper with "You Can Do It" in a wallet or "Keep Going" taped to the desk works well. Motivational words encourage. You may know some. The following are a few more.
  • "Believe."
  • Reach Higher."
  • "You Must, First, Believe In Your Talent."
Writing goals can be realized when narrowed down, realistic and sliced into manageable pieces.

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