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Monday, July 28, 2014

Story Premise

Create a Story Premise

A story premise is quick and to the point. It explains the story in one sentence. The premise gives you, your story, direction. You know which path to take, confusion is side-stepped and story over-lapping disappears. A map is formed when a story premise comes alive. Avoid the confusion of stumbling into wrong turns, and ending-up on similar streets. Stick to the map, premise, and finish writing the story faster.

Every word written after the premise develops your story. Remove any word that stalls or stops the premise from moving forward. A story begins after the premise is created. The premise must be proved by your story. Look-over the following premises.
1. Aggressive behavior leads to bullying and ruined lives.
2. Too much ambition ends in cheating, exposure and destruction.
3. Good or bad, you receive back what you send out.
4. Stealing starts lying, drama and chaos.
It isn't necessary to create a story premise that's researched or soul searched for months. You have lived, experienced or seen various premises in action. Premises take the following shapes.
1. Aggressive behavior can be enterprising.
2. Ambition takes effort.
3. Karma, good or bad, returns.
4. Stealing leads to other crimes.
Premise, too, sprinkles in characters, conflicts and resolutions. Let's look closer at a premise. 
Aggressive behavior leads to bullying and ruined lives, for example. A character is bullied by another employee at the work-place. The character that bullies thinks he/she can display any type behavior, because management used several of his/her ideas. The character that's being bullied is new to this department, and brings better ideas.

The bully keeps reminding everyone of his/her used ideas. The bullying continues. Management receives complaints, but not from the bullied character. At this point, the bully is upset. He/she has a negative write-up. He/she invites co-workers to a bar after work. One or two people drag-in to this informal party.
The resolution starts as the bully refuses to stop his/her negative behavior. The bully taunts everyone he/she thinks reported him/her to management. The bully is moved to a different department. His/her behavior becomes worse, and termination follows.
In conclusion, a story premise is a one sentence explanation that stirs-in characters, conflicts and resolutions.

Monday, July 14, 2014

10 Ways to Ignite Creative Flow

A writer's creative flow or writer's block stops producing at inconvenient times. There's no warning. Writers are left staring at a blank computer screen, playing paper basketball with the nearest wastebasket or finger tapping a tune out.

I've discovered, from years of writing, ways to ignite creative flow and stop writer's block. The following lists 10 ways to ignite your creative flow.

1. What to write? You're working on a writing project, and creative flow decided to nap. Stop fretting. Take a deep breath.

What would fit well into the writing project? Is there an aspect that you haven't considered? Or, a different angle works better? Allow creative flow to weigh in and then start the writing process.

2. Pick an event that happened during the last 24 hours. The event grabbed your attention and continued to nag at your creative flow. The moment it happens, begin jotting down notes. Figure-out how to share it. Is the better view through fiction, non-fiction or poetry?

3. A gathering of any kind is a storage of possible writing ideas to nudge creative flow, and push writer's block to the curb. A family group togetherness or holiday offers many writing ideas.

Have you listened to toddlers agreeing on a movie to watch?

"No, don't wanna watch it." Toddler number 1 cried.

"I wanna." Toddler 2 said.

"Nooo." Toddler 3 screamed.

Several non-fiction articles could be written before the family get-together starts.

4. The experience of a life time piece. It's the experience that had a profound influence on you.

One of the profound experiences in my life: I was unjustly fired from a job. It was the focus of my book, Grave Street House, and articles.

The point is to get information from life and write about it.

5. Write a piece that's different from what you normally do. A poem, for example.

6. Make-up a sentence to shape writing ideas.

The rain driven snow pounded all night.

You get any ideas from the statement? Make-up some of your own.

7. Ghost-writers address writing needs.

What form would your answer take to stir-up creative flow or stop writer's block?

8. Pick your ideal place to be. How would your essay start? A travel writing article?

9. Grab the book you thought was poorly written. Your book?

10. Write about your favorite time of the year. Why is it your favorite? Could you sell the article?

The ten ways to stimulate creative flow and stop writer's block is a writer's tool, but shape-it to fit your needs.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Buzz on Writing Prompts


The buzz on writing prompts begins with words that motivate, inspire, nudge even, your creative flow. A writing prompt could hold encouraging words for anyone, at any time in life. Writing prompts are words, sentences and paragraphs that hold a special meaning to the reader. The specific meaning moves a person to act. Look at the following writing prompts.

     1. The wind danced against my window.
     2. Make better choices.
     3. A scent, memory or toy from an earlier time.

The buzz on writing prompts acts as a much needed "starting place,", according to Poets & Writers. Naturally, writing prompts are the cure for writer's block by keeping your creative flow ignited with writing ideas. The more you write, the path or place you want to go becomes clearer.
     1. Make notes of the writing ideas that avail themselves. 
     2. Select the writing idea of most interest.
     3. Take breaks as you write.

I am going to work with the first writing prompt: The wind danced against my window.

I was snatched out of a troubling sleep as the wind danced against my window. There was something out of place in my bedroom, but I didn't know what or why. The dim light from my digital clock read 2:47 a. m. I tried to relax when someone or something moved in my closet. 
     1. What should be the next line?
     2. Have fun with it.
     3. Pass the post on.

The buzz on writing prompts is about words selected by you to enrich your writing life. Let's go through a writing prompts' gathering session. Sit. Relax. The session should last, at least, two hours. Jot down words that make you laugh, push you to question or have a special meaning to you.

     1. Is the word yo-yo funny?
     2. Make better choices, question it?
     3. What word(s) are you drawn to?

Writing prompts inspire titles, poems, writing ideas and can take you to new writing heights. Write down every word you can think of, titles and quotes too. Keep a computer file, notebook, of writing prompts.

     1. Scan through it for a poem, title or writing idea when the mood stirs you.
     2. A writing prompt can bring understanding to a situation.
     3. They have the ability to move you in a new direction.

The buzz on writing prompts is to paste them up in frequented areas like a desk, chair, wall, purse or wallet. The writing prompt attaches to a mirror. A possible writing prompt: Today, I will work toward my goal. You do not have a goal? Think about where or what you want to be doing in three months, six months. Set a goal. 

     1. Work toward your goal each day.
     2. Use writing prompts to keep you moving.
     3. Believe in yourself.

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