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Stop Writer's Block

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Writer's Block


Writer's block can't bully, taunt or stop me from writing. I poo-poo the wanna-be thief of possible word master-pieces, or interesting as well as helpful information that I can produce. You can too. I'm not in fear of it. Why not? Every circumstance or issue can provide writing ideas. Also, there are techniques to stomp out writer's block, and it'll never return.

1. Think about an issue or problem you have or had.
2. What have you learned from it?
3. Could the lesson be shared in an article, blog post, or book?
4. Or, select an area from the problem to write about. 

I stared upon this technique. I sat down to write, but my creative flow didn't have the usual energy on this particular day. Normally, I can't get the words down fast enough. Sometimes, I have to scribble a writing idea down that's unrelated to what I'm writing about. 

- - Get comfortable.
- - Set in place everything you'll need.
- - Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
- - Below are techniques to write pass writer's block.

I call this technique Game to Topple Writer's Block. The game should be tailor fitted to you. Re-arrange or change the game to suit you. One try may not excite your creative flow. Still, don't give up. This game works.

1. Pick any word.
2. Select one letter from the word.
3. Any letter within the word.
4. First, second or any letter.

The word snack grabbed my eyes. My letter is K. K can be spun into fiction, non-fiction or poems. A story idea pops into my mind about a character named Kamack. I'd have to create a profile on him before building a story around his tale.

- - K stirred into non-fiction is research on kangaroos. 
- - The habitat of kangaroos, for example.
- - There's no limitations on which direction you'll go.
- - Follow up on your writing ideas from this post.

Writing Inspiration

Things inspire from any place. It can be a train, plane or in the lane. A muse may or may not grab your attention, but peel away what inspires you. Stir it together as you sprinkle in your creative flow. The writing process begins (

1. The beaming sun has possibilities. 
2. An eye-catching headline.
3. Researched topics.
4. An antique chair.


Write-A-Cise (, often, begins with one thought and ends with new writing ideas. It works with old and current writing ideas too. How?

- - Select a word, phrase or line related to a subject.
- - Write about the word, phrase or line.
- - Focus on the clever, unique or helpful aspect of the subject. 
- - Just write.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Steps to Write a Murder Mystery

The first course of action is to get comfortable in your writing place. It's the chair, attic, barn or corner of a room that serves as your writing place, author at work place. Allow yourself, at least, two hours each day for writing. Select the same time everyday for writing. This is your time. Turn-off the phone, grab your coffee/tea before settling in to write. Take care of anything you need to. This eliminates the desire or excuse to stop writing. "Steps to Write a Murder Mystery" is the beginning, or a step to the next level in your writer career.

The setting and characters must interact. Show the character whose living his/her last days clashing with other characters. The character whose time is limited argues, find fault and chaos is ignited. The other characters in conflict with the soon-to-be deceased character will become suspects. 

In my novel, "Grave Street House," the killer and victim knew each other well. In fact, no one suspected who the murderer was. The murderer socialized with everyone, well known in the neighborhood. A friendly character can be a serial killer.

The unfolding of a murder starts early in the mystery. One of the characters that last had a confrontation with the deceased is his/her murderer. Provide odd, weird, stalkerizzi, information stirred in a setting that equals murder most foul. Ask some questions. Was the victim feeling a certain way? Feared someone or something? One character's behavior was different. Why? The behavior had something to do with the murder. The victim and a suspect were seen together. People who knew the victim expressed how unusual for the two, because they had issues. 

Who stumbles into the murder scene? Or, will the murderer pretend to discover the body? He/she didn't have enough time to dispose of the body. Why? The events played out differently than what the murderer planned. Perhaps, the murderer heard another character approaching. 

The police is called. They begin investigating and questioning. Is there a neighbor-know-it-all? This kind of neighbor knows the latest gossip. He/she shares the gossip with the police. The murderer gives as little information to the police as possible, even mis-directs.

The police has to sift through truths, half-truths, supplied by suspects. Show evidence to rule out several suspects. It's up to you, author at work, how the plot plays out. Keep the police looking at three suspects until the murderer is uncovered. "Steps to Write a Murder Mystery" involves a twist. 

Keep the readers interested by splashing in new information. A suspect, for example, confesses. Only, the police determines he/she has a habit of admitting to crimes. One other suspect dies by suspicious means. What does suspicious mean? This is when your creative flow takes over. Write it out. Suspicious means how your creative flow shares it.

Any question raised in the murder mystery is answered as you near the end. Some questions will be taken care of earlier than toward the end. Your mystery will clue you. A good practice is to make notes on questions. Be sure to look at them as well as answer them. Sometimes, the questions can spin-out possible new scenes.

The author at work must critique. Sit a finished writing project aside. The longer a writing project, the more time away is needed. Return in two days refreshed. You'll have new ideas and be ready to move forward with your writing project.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Inspired Free Writing

Inspired free writing is free writing taken to the next level. Free writing is writing down whatever ignites your creative flow. The goal is to weed-out writer's block as well as have writing ideas available when needed. The session is used for a writing project struggling, any idea wanted or your creativity longs for inspiration. Apply it to non-fiction, poems or fiction.

The session happens in an area that you've carved into a writing station. It can be on a plane, in the rain or riding fast trains. Write for, at least, two hours. Preferably, your station is situated where no one will disturb you. 

You've worked on a writing project that, at first, excited your creativity. Now, the writing project isn't near half finished. What's worse? The project has become boring. Two questions play-over in your mind.

"Why did I pick this topic?" You asked out-loud. "What was I thinking?"

This is where inspired free writing becomes the tool to use. Select words from the writing project that interested you initially. Write about the word throwing sparks at your creativity. Jot down each word. Simply, write. 

You, too, can pick a word from your writing project for inspiration. Scribble down words that come to mind. You may prefer to look-up words or phrases from the writing project for new appeal. Words previously written can be added to new words. A word off the top of my head is over-the-top. Over was an old word with two other words added.

Peel away a word from your writing project, or any attention grabbing word(s). Add new meaning to the word using each letter. Take a look at a random example. 

B  ouncing
A  longside
L  ingering
L  abor

Inspired free writing means using bouncing, alongside, lingering or labor in a writing project. Your creative side decides which direction to go. Explore to see which path suits your writing project(s). 

Perhaps, you have writer's block. You're searching for writing ideas. Write down the words or any word. Come-up with words and phrases. I'll work with the word writers.

W  acky

R  oad

I  n

T  he

E  xtreme acts of

R  anting from the

S  uggestive one

The words are avenues to new topics and subjects. Extreme acts is promising as a title. Mix and change words to tailor your writing needs.

Inspired free writing tickles your creative flow into producing. Let's work with words from the above paragraph. Is there a road named Wacky? A writing idea is to research and spin it into non-fiction. Your creativity wants inspiration? Stir-up fiction with the words wacky rode. Expose the funny but strange goings on in such a community. One more suggestion is your opinion about the campaign rode for Hillary Clinton, or one of the other candidates. This method is a writer's tool that opens-up new writing possibilities.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Writing Inspiration

Writing inspiration awakens your creative ability. Some refer to it as a muse, that which ignites, fuels, you to write word master-pieces. It awaits specifically for you, because you're the only one who can appreciate it. A muse cheers you on.

Muse stirs-up your creative power. It comes from any direction to inspire only you. No one else will see it like you, or experience it in the same way. You'll recognize your muse the moment it arrives. How will your muse arrive? 

1. Scents from the past.
2. "That" song.
3. A rhyme.
4. Spoken words.

People are filled with emotions and mannerisms for writing inspiration. Each is unique to his or her own way of doing and perceiving. Scoop up a large helping by doing the following. You don't have to do anything out of the ordinary.

1. Observe people.
2. Listen to speech patterns.
3. Take notes on mannerisms.
4. Pin-point gestures.

Places are interesting back-drops to inspire writing. A certain place from memory or history can be the trigger to a new genre, or a fascinating tale. It, too, has the potential of being "the one" that takes you to a new level.

1. A building from your past.
2. Some place in a movie.
3. An odd looking wall.
4. Strange interior.

Things inspire from any place. It can be a train, plane or in the lane. A muse may or may not grab your attention, but peel away what inspires you. Stir it together as you sprinkle in your creative flow. The writing process begins.

1. The beaming sun has possibilities. 
2. An eye-catching headline.
3. Researched topics.
4. An antique chair.

The last words are that writing inspiration lives everywhere and anywhere. There isn't a limit to where it's found. Simply, observe. You'll always have writing ideas, and your muse could expose itself.

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