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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Building a Strong Team: Power of Team Building Activities in the Work-Place

The success of any organization leans on the strength and unity of its teams. Incorporate team building activities to ensure collaboration, pumped up morale, and enhanced productivity among team members. My post examines the importance of team building in the workplace, and offers activities to help your team bond.

Team building matters. Why? It fosters the flow of trust and respect through teams. This  elevates every aspect of the work environment, like problem solving. Teams look forward to the process employed by your organization.

How will your team's reliance come about? I'll illustrate a communication challenge. Team members are working on a project that requires them to zoom-in, and rely on email communications too.

A team member, Amanda, likes emails to be exact, to the point. Ted, on the other hand, takes the scenic route, stuffing all kinds of background information into the communication. Ted reasons that everyone will be on the same page.

Amanda, for one, feels that Ted is throwing in too much detail, wasting time. She'll skim through the emails, possibly missing important information.

What's the process for resolving this issue? A strategy is for the team to have in place communication expectations. For example, the tool for quick updates could be instant messaging, email for longer discussions, and share tips on effective communication practices. 

Your organization may want to engage the team's problem solving abilities away from the site. Possibly, a cabin? The cabin can provide a relaxing atmosphere, where helpful tips are shared. This is the time for Amanda and Ted to exchange information that will help them get on the same page, the organization's page.

Take this opportunity to clear-up the organization's mission, inspire, motivate, and stimulate morale.

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