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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Unforgettable Characters: Breathing Life into Your Characters


Characters are the back-bone of a well written and satisfying story. Readers want to connect, root for, love, dislike, or see the character succeed. But how? 

Today, I'm reintroducing Brenda, a resident of G-Street in Philly. My goal is to make Brenda a memorable character. 

Brenda spent the entire day with her eyes glued to her watch, each passing hour filled with anticipation. When her shift at Walmart ended, she almost sprinted through the store's exit. To her surprise, the number 23 bus arrived early at the stop, catching her off guard. Fears flared. Brenda wasn't entirely sure about the plan to uncover the secret. Hesitation clouded her mind. 

The chatter of others getting off at her stop urged her to get off the bus too. 
She paced to her first floor apartment, tapped her watch. It was a habit picked up from childhood, while enduring her grandmother's never-ending gatherings. At least the watch gave her something to do while her relatives chatted. 

Brenda is a character readers can connect with, root for, love, dislike-- or hope to see succeed. You, too, can create unforgettable characters that readers engage with.  


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