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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How To Sell Your Writing

"How do I do that?" You stared at the title.

Writing is a form of communication. This media
is used to expose a product or service through
advertising. It could be a sales letter, an ad,
etc. The goal is to reach as many people as
possible about your wares. The means to that end
is writing about your products and services.

Post the information about products and services
on e-zines, forums, and blogs. It can be useful
to allow others to use your articles, providing
you are given credit. This is how you profit
from your articles, and get maximum coverage.

"I'm not a writer." You complained.

Let's look at that point.

There is no need to get technical when
explaining about your offers. State
the benefits, features, as if you were
talking to a thirteen-year-old. Be
clear. Use short and long sentences.
Don't rattle on. Make your point, and

The head-line should be three to five
words. It's function is to catch the
reader's eye, because of the benefit
in it. The information you're
presenting must be interesting, and
spark a desire, need, in people.
It is important your product or service
reach the right person. The key to
success is target marketing.

"How is that done?"

It is best to do some research.

If your budget allows, send direct
sales letters to those whose jobs
can't exist without the use of your
product or service.

Forums is an excellent medium for
feed-back on products and services.
You get an idea of how your offer(s)
will be received. Advice on rough
spots that escaped your attention is
there. If it is more comfortable for
you, discuss a version of your business
plan. Some may not feel like sharing
their venture until it's actually
ready for the world. There is a big
advantage in forum-sharing.

"What is it?" You questioned.

When you introduce your product
or service into forums, it is
free advertising. Advertising,
alone, can cost hundreds, even
thousands, of dollars.

Here are some questions to think

Why should I purchase from you?
How would it benefit me? Is
your product or service less in
price than a similar product?
Can I get a deal on it?

Head-lines that grab the attention:
Get It Half-Price, Below Price, But
Hurry, See Results In Five Days,
Lose-It Or Money Back, and Free

Think of some yourself.

I chose the following
head-line for my five-lesson
fiction writing course.
Learn Fiction Writing--Five

The benefit to the reader is in
it. An individual can learn how
to write fiction, in just five
lessons. It's the job of the three
to five word head-line to stop the
reader's eyes from roaming, and
mention how he/she will benefit
from the product/service.

We are busy, some have stressful
lives. Sell your writing with
words that hold the reader's


Simply, spice the article with easy-
to-understand words. No one wants
to hunt down the dictionary to
look-up a word.

The body makes the point. Be clear.
Expose all benefits and features.

Write like you talk. Never get
technical. The flow of language
should be on the level of an
eighth grader.

A dead-line is necessary.
It pushes the person to act,
especially if he/she is
already interested. A
guarantee adds a flavor
of credibility.

More importantly, be fair
with customers, and you
will get re-peat business.

Follow the above steps,
and selling your writing
will be profitable.

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