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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Who Else Wants To Reach A Writing Goal?

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

Everything worth having in life,
writing, requires that you plan
how to get it.

"I'm not sure how to reach
my writing goal." You said.

Sit down. Decide on a goal.
It couldn't hurt to set more than
one goal. However, your focus
must remain on the primary goal.

Let's say, for example, your
goal is to write a book. Still,
you'd like to explore other writing

Write two-three pages of your
book everyday, and then try
writing other projects.

There will come a time when
you're tired of editing the

Put it aside for a week or
two. Pull-out the other
projects to work on.

It keeps you busy while
allowing much needed
time away from writing
on your manuscript.

You'll go back to writing
on your manuscript
refreshed. New
ideas will jump-out
at you.

The point is plan to reach
a writing goal, create steps
to it.

"How?" You questioned.

Simply, write each day.

In your writing place,
create word pictures.

Sometimes, a main project
gets boring. Or, you need
a break from it. This is when
other work-in-process becomes
your assignment.

The bigger a project, the longer
break you'll need from it. More
than thirty minutes, for instance,
is needed after completing a
manuscript. It takes time to
mentally break-away from it.

Take your mind to something
new, different, or a piece you're
working on.

Treat yourself after reaching
such a goal. It can be
something you wanted to do,
but couldn't because of writing
the manuscript.

Next, there will be moments when
you think it's not worth the time,
you're not moving along fast
enough, or your work is rejected.

Writing is your goal, dream, and
any goal takes perseverance. You
have a course of action. Stick to it.

Use time to work on reaching
your writing goal, and not
worry about how long it's
taking to achieve it. keep

Rejection is part of the
writing life. It helps us
write better.

"How?" You pondered.

The fact that a piece
was rejected makes us
look at it closer. A search
of why it was rejected is
started. Find the reason,
correct it, and send the piece

Don't take rejection
personally. Although,
rejection isn't comfortable,
and can cause you to
doubt yourself. Don't
let it.

Always refer to
your writing goal.

Look at rejection
as a motivator.

A writing goal is reached
step by step. Figure out
your goal. Draw-up
a plan, create, and keep
writing through obstacles.

In time, you will reach
your writing goal.

You must, first, believe
in yourself.

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