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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hubs With Grammatical Errors

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

Writers Make Grammatical Errors

It's a fact of that human beings
make errors, and it's no
different when it comes to
writing hubs. I like to be
told/given heads up on a
grammatical error. Few people,
if any, on try one write
grammatically perfect hubs.

Still, no one wants to hear,
"And you call yourself a
writer? Do you know any rules
of grammar?"


"I doubt that you make-it as

a writer."


"Don't give-up your day job."


"They hirin' at the Fried
Everythin' Restaurant."


"You're were a writer?"

The only way to get better
is to write, practice.

However, if you are asked to
critique or give an opinion,
be truthful. It really is how
you say it. Look at the
following ways to critique
or respond to hubs.

In paragraph one, I'd write it
this way, change the sentence,
for example.


Look at it from the view-point of...


The second page would come alive
with action verbs.


Your subject is interesting, but
delete paragraph three. It's just
taking up space and not moving
the story forward.

Critique like you're a friend,
not someone looking down on a
writer's work.

Writing involves work, energy, too.
No one wants their hubs belittled.

A different method of reaching
someone with bad grammar is to
act it out. Sometimes, speaking
words out-loud allows better
hearing of grammatical errors.

Put yourself in the writer's
position. Would you like someone
who saw your error to attack?
It's the same with writers and
their hubs.

Writers shouldn't be attacked for
their hub choices or grammatical

One more technique to help with
grammatical errors is to take the
offending word, sentence, and
re-fit it into another sentence,
paragraph. My examples follow.

It was Friday, pay day. At the ATM,
lightening shoot through the
machine. Some people screamed...

See the error?

The re-fit.

The guard shot through the door.
The gun-man jumped when...

Re-fitting words, sentences, is
a way to see errors.

Give your advice/opinion only if
asked. Think of how you'd feel if
given un-asked for information.
Show respect for hub writers. G
rammatical errors are part of
the writing process.


1 comment:

Critique and Write said...

It's difficult to spot grammatical errors moments after writing.

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