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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Purpose Of Plot

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How To Write A Story

Stories have plots, and they
are steps to an exciting new
world for readers. The steps
to a new world discovers
what's happening to whom,
when, where and why it's

The short story, in fiction,
dramatizes one issue,
situation. The one issue,
situation, is the one factor
that makes it different from

Short stories starts with an
interesting character in some
place, and involved in a
serious issue, situation.

The main character, protagonist,
is in the middle of an issue,
situation. The issue, situation,
suspends disbelief and takes
the reader to a believable world.

The story must move forward,
or readers will toss it aside
for the next writer's work.
The main character is thrown
into complications that gives
insight to his/her character
and issue, situation.

The main character's aunt,
uncle, brother, mother or
father can't solve it. Or,
he/she can't walk away from
the issue, situation.

The protagonist grows at the
end of a story. The last
effort at resolving an issue
pushes a protagonist to sources
that he/she wouldn't have
considered before, or didn't
know existed.

Story development must resemble
life. Good fiction creates
illusions of real people trying
to correct an issue, problem.

The middle increases pressure
on the protagonist to resolve
the issue, problem. The pressure
is conflict.

Conflict shows a character's
involvement, and his/her life
depends on the success/failure
of resolving an issue, problem.

Surround the main character with
a cast of characters that have
a stake in it.

Conflicts, setting and characters
help bring the plot to a conclusion.

The beginning and middle are
developed. The story comes to an

The main character works to fix
the issue, problem, at least,
three times.

One more try, and all the stops
are pulled out. Every nook and
cranny is examined to help the
main character with an issue.

The main character's solution
surprises everyone. Still, the
ending is foreshadowed by
preceding actions. Every action/
reaction leads to this moment.

The mixture of circumstances and
effect brings a story to its

In conclusion, plot is how a
story unfolds into a unique world.
Conflict is poured in to move the
story forward, and it's up to the
protagonist to resolve an issue,


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