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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Objective Editing

Writing Method

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Most writing projects, sooner or
later, must go through the editing

"It's difficult to edit my own work."
Some writers remarked.

"Wish it was an easier way to edit." A
writer said.

Still, a few writers never edit, because
they write error-free.

The rest of us have to find an editing
method that works. Specifically, an
editing method that's comfortable and
easy to work with.

A couple other options are available to
writers. Writers can hire someone to edit,
or barter with a friend/relative.

During the time a recession is circling,
not many people can afford to pay someone
to edit.

The terms of bartering have to be documented,
agreed to and every T crossed.

Or, try an easy method to editing. It's
called the Objective Editing method. Let's
look at how it works.

Set your writing project aside. The longer a
writing project is, the more time should be
spent away from it. On a dead-line? Take as
much time away from your writing project as

Return to the writing project. Prepare to
edit. Only, look at it objectively. Edit the
writing project as if you're an editor. Look
at it as belonging to someone else. Start the
editing process.

In other words, distance yourself from the
writing project. Return to it refreshed,

The Objective Editing method is freeing.
There's no thinking about "your work." It's
easier to see writing errors when the
writing project isn't your own, and the editing
process is done faster.

In conclusion, the Objective Editing method
is easy to use, and the editing process is
done faster.

1 comment:

Critique and Write said...

Try an easy method to editing.

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