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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Six Ways To Keep Creativity Alive

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Stay Creative

Every writer, at one time or another,
needs help to keep creativity alive.
Life, illness, holidays or stress can
push creativity to the corner and
leave it there, unattended. Creativity
left alone for days, months, without
stimulation disappears.

A skill, talent, must be practiced to
improve, become better. If not, the skill,
talent, is lost or forgotten.

Skill, talent and creativity requires,
sometime during the day or night, effort.

Let's look at six ways to keep creativity

1. Write down why you can't give creativity
a tid-bit of time. It's not necessary to
write pages, but give an explanation in
several paragraphs. Perhaps, research about
the reason could supply material for other
writing projects.

2. Read. The words in a news article, mystery
novel or any readable medium nudges creativity.
The nudge to creativity spills-out writing

Some people find time to read on a lunch-break,
while riding trains or at the doctor's office.
Keep a note-book and pen with you to jot down
writing ideas.

Sometimes, it takes little to stir-up
creativity. Circumstances measures how fast
creativity ignites. Stress, for example,
hampers creativity to a greater degree with
some people. Note taking, in those cases,
is longer.

3. Simply, write. You're on a break, simply,
write. Make as many notes as you like about
anything. Mention how your day is going, for
instance. The taste of your favorite food?
The first person you met? Work with a sentence
like: Four fowls for Fran Friday.

The sentence can be worked in any direction.
Research fowls. How are certain fowls bred?
Write a mystery detailing the "fowl" plot. A
children's book is another writing idea.
Creativity is your only limit.

4. Personal experience is a possibility.
Write about a stressful situation. Most
likely, others are experiencing a similar
situation, and how you handle it could help

A personal experience article has a beginning,
middle and it ends. The personal experience
piece must grab attention and spark interest.

An idea is to begin in the middle of a problem.

5. Write about a goal. Explain the goal. Why
did you want to achieve it? How long will it
take? Did take? What steps are involved in
reaching it? Write an article or three.

6. Write an acrostic poem. Each letter in an
acrostic poem spells-out a word or some
communication. Take a look at my acrostic poem.

D aisy

A nnoyed

I ris

R epeatedly

Y esterday

Creativity becomes stiff, lost, if its not used, and the six ways to keep creativity alive helps stimulate it.

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