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Stop Writer's Block

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How To Stop Writer's Block

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Writer's block taps you on the shoulder. You stand, sit back down. You look around the room, and do leg lifts. Afterwards, your mind is still blank. A blank mind produces no work. •Happened to you? •Too often. •There's a dead-line. •Anxiety builds. •You tap-out a tune. •It didn't help. •Stop. Here's how to stop writer's block. •A new day. •Write through writer's block. •Scribble down anything. •Write what's bothering you. •Favorite color? •Write a poem. •Answer some question. The act of writing eases you away from writer's block. •Writing sparks ideas. •Make a note of them. •Pick one. •Save the rest. •Start working on the idea. • Focus. •Continue. Write more as writer's block move further away. •Each day write. •Research if necessary. •Use the idea from other angles. •Ask questions. •Best way to use an idea? •Creative flow excited? •Answer must be yes. Final Word

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nike Sneakers

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Question: What would you write for an advertisement on nike sneakers? Possible Ads 1. Nike Sneakers Variety, best prices...get yours. 2. Incredible Deals Visit us at Nike. 3. Slip Into Comfort Nike. 4. Happy feet..happy you. Nike. 5. Feet are our business...Nike. 6. Sneakers for every life-style- Nike.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

How To Use Writing Therapy

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Use writing as therapy to understand an experience, or your behavior during a specific incident. It frees you from unnecessary anxiety, plaguing thoughts and allows you to live a better quality of life. Address any experience with patience. •Ready to face it? •Write down all details. •Take your time. •Stop. •Write more tomorrow. •Slowly expose the facts. •Put it aside. Behavior changes is part of a process. •Let a few days pass. •Read-over your account. •Leave anything out? •A complete picture helps more. •Writing therapy takes some longer. •Stick to a comfortable time-frame. •There's no one to compete with. Anxiety about what could happen disappears. •Express reasons for fear. •Take a deep breath. •Explore uneasiness. •What caused it? •Preventable next time? •Yes. •Change begins. Thoughts that nag are put in perspective during writing therapy. •Write down nagging thoughts. •Why are they on your mind? •Select one thought at a time. •Concern yourself with what you can control. •Find a solution. •Jot down various solutions. •Pick one. Better quality of life is lived through writing therapy. •Doubt is removed. •Fear goes away. •Living starts. •New energy is discovered. •Plan making pops-up. •Laughter. •A new you. Final Word People who wrote regularly visited the doctor less according to Psychologist James W. Pennebaker. Source:

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