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Stop Writer's Block

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How To Stop Writer's Block

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Writer's block taps you on the shoulder. You stand, sit back down. You look around the room, and do leg lifts. Afterwards, your mind is still blank. A blank mind produces no work. •Happened to you? •Too often. •There's a dead-line. •Anxiety builds. •You tap-out a tune. •It didn't help. •Stop. Here's how to stop writer's block. •A new day. •Write through writer's block. •Scribble down anything. •Write what's bothering you. •Favorite color? •Write a poem. •Answer some question. The act of writing eases you away from writer's block. •Writing sparks ideas. •Make a note of them. •Pick one. •Save the rest. •Start working on the idea. • Focus. •Continue. Write more as writer's block move further away. •Each day write. •Research if necessary. •Use the idea from other angles. •Ask questions. •Best way to use an idea? •Creative flow excited? •Answer must be yes. Final Word

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