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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Words Can Make Or Break You

Words can make or break you, your career, as we have seen with Paula Deen.

Paula Deen mentioned words that offended many people. She apologized. I'm sure, on any given day, she wished those words never escaped through her lips.

Still, she can't take the words back. People have been hurt, offended, by Deen's remarks. The reason or time the words were used makes no direction.

When a perspn's actions offend, those actions has to be addressed.

It goes back to what a person does, good or bad, comes back.

Deen and her sons explained how she in't a racist.

However, the words she used was racist. Why use those words if her feelings/thinking were different.

People tend to use comfortable words out of habit. Sometimes, a word is spoken that you're use to hearing/saying or grew up with.

Still, no one can or should offend because it's their way of doing, living.

I can't say it enough: Think before speaking.

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