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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dreaded R Word: Rejection

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Rejection or the rejection slip comes, sooner or later, to writers. It goes without much writing to explain that the R word is dreaded. Who welcomes a rejection slip? A writer's rejection shouldn't be taken personally. It's a tap on the shoulder to try harder. Ask questions. Why was the piece rejected? Go through the manuscript to check for errors. Was the publication a good fit for it? Look at everything, even length requirements. Make sure it met the publication's length requirements. A writer's rejection is handled by writing. If it's impossible to work on the rejected piece, start a new project. Try a different writing project. Your piece was an article? Write poems. There's no need to take the disappointment of rejection out on innocent people at a store, movie theater or on the street. Feel bad about rejection, rejection slips, for five seconds, and then push-it-away by writing. You don't have control over rejection, rejection slips. Still, you have control over how the disappointment is handled. A writer's rejection is written away. Use the sting from rejection, rejection slips, to write better.

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