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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Innocence of Muslims

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. Innocence of Muslims' film-maker, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who used various names, sparked violent protests around the World, was arrested Thursday. He was splashed on television through news reports. Only, he was covered in clothing from head to toe, except his eyes. Nakoula lied about how involved he was in making the anti-Islamic video. My question: Why hide behind clothes, and not tell the truth about his role in making the anti-Islamic film. Why not own his work? Creativity? Some people are speculating that Nakoula planned to stir-up violent protests. Nakoula conspired with others to kill as many Americans as possible. According to news accounts and actors in the film Innocence of Muslims, they couldn't see the entire script. Or, the actors participated in a different script. If the above is true, Nakoula had reason to hide. Nakoula was arrested on suspicion of violating the terms of his probation. Still, people shouldn't allow a video, poorly made, pushed on them by a dishonorable, wannabe, film-maker dictate their actions.

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