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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Writing Ideas

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

Writing ideas are everywhere. There is
no such thing as I can't come-up with
an idea. Let's take a stroll down any
day in search of writing ideas.

The alarm goes off. It's a call to
get your day started. Will you
hit the snooze button?

You twist, turn, finally stand.
You yawn several times, try to
focus, and get moving.

Start breakfast. Drag back upstairs
to shower.

The coffee slowly drips into your
system. Suddenly, you remember
the tons of accounts waiting. You

The train is late. You hope the boss
is in a good mood. For some reason,
the beginning of the week finds her
in a foul mood, less understanding.

I found a writing idea centering
around the alarm clock.

"I can't get up." Pepia slurred
her words.

She reached, struggled to turn
the alarm clock off. She moved in
slow motion. She laid still.

"What's wrong with me?" She cried

The writing idea is open to
various paths. I have the option of
writing a short story, or a book
length work.

A second idea follows.

The alarm sounded. Pepia didn't
waste any time rising.

She bounced out of bed, showered,
and was downstairs within thirty-

'Today is the day.' She sang
out-loud. 'Gonna march into
work, and get that pay raise.'

She prepared coffee. A frown
wrinkled her brows.

"'My coffee container was moved.
Who?" She complained loud
enough for her neighbor to
hear. "'Maybe, Mother stopped
by, but she'd have told me."

The click of foot-steps echoed
through Pepia's house. Suddenly...

Read the full post at:

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