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Monday, March 25, 2013

Teens Without Morals

Have a question? Agree, disagree, with me? Leave me your opinion. A teen, A.J. Lane, was convicted of murderr. He appeared in court wearing a white tee-shirt with the word killer on it. Why? Lane didn't care about the feelings of the families. Can this 17/18-year-old be rehabilitated? Lane sat in court, dressed down in a tee-shirt. Why not have a dress shirt or any shirt without the word killer on it? The teens in Steubenville, Ohio that raped a 16-year-old girl were recently sentenced. Pictures of what they had done to the young lady were sent to social media. Laughter could be heard/seen in the videos, like it was a proud moment. Where were the morals of any teen that laughed, witnessed, the actions against the young lady. The teens didn't quietly notify anyone who could help the young lady. Not a trusted adult? The young lady's parents? Security? Older Teen? Coach? Police? Witnesses, teens, didn't want to come forward after the police became involved. Question: Some teens are growing up without morals?


Kiren Kaur said...

As a teen and young auhtor myself, I find it amazing that our generation can ruin their own lives and others peoples lives by one sentence, one picture one simple action. Often times, it isnt just the teens fault, its partially the parents fault too. Some parents just dont care about where their kids are or what theyre doing. I just hope that this generation and the upcoming generations in the future don't develop a mindset, such as the teens you had described. Also, I love how you inspire people to write. At the current time, I'm writing a book too! Wish me luck! -Kiren x

Critique and Write said...

Kiren, if I may, you're right. It just takes one word, one sentence or picture to ruin lives. However, you sound like a positive and productive person. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to reading your book.

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