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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Writing Check-List

In writing, it takes more than a few well placed words for vivid images to live. Writers should consult Writing Check-List. Writing ideas, work-in-the-making, are sifted through Writing Check-List, to make your projects better.

Writing Check-List is a writer's tool that should be used frequently.

It's wise to take a break from writing projects. You'll come-back refreshed, and better able to critique. Issues and problems with your work becomes clearer. It's easier to deal with an issue, problem, when you can see it.

Writing Check-List requires question asking like the following.

1. Is your writing understandable?

The night melted into darn...

In my mind, I meant to write dawn. The Check-List pointed out my mistake.

2. Writing projects must be stuffed with vivid images. This applies to fiction and non-fiction.

3. Strong verbs makes reading more interesting.

Bill ran.


Bill dashed.

Dashed tells how urgent the situation is for Bill.

4. Paragraphs move with ease from one to the next.

Each idea begins a new paragraph.

5. Transitions flow from idea to idea, effortlessly.

6. Discard words that's not needed.

Well, it happened, last night, on November 14, 8 p.m.

What word(s) should be discarded.

7. The opening sentence, fiction or non-fiction, must grab the reader's attention.

8. Titles are what potential readers see, usually. The title is an invitation to read your writing
project. The invitation tickles the senses, opens-up disbelief, for example.

This is the hook to catch readers interests. You have only seconds.

In closing, Writing Check-List is a tool to inspire the best fiction or non-fiction within you.

1 comment:

Critique and Write said...

Writing Check-List is a writer' tool.

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