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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Attention Grabbing Plots

Plot is the problem in a work of fiction. The writer has numerous paths to go down in figuring-out a solution. He/she sifts through the "fiction world" picking and plucking up ways to resolve it. Good plots are woven through action, suspense and conflict.

Action between opposing characters can be intense, and it's one way for characters to learn about the other character's position. The characters spill some or all of their plan. It leads to an attention grabbing path for a writer to take. It is showing rather than telling. 
  • A good plot grabs attention.
  • People keep reading.
  • A character's plight moves the story forward.
  • The incident has a chain reaction.
  • A shake up in "fiction world" for some.
Suspense happens each time a character almost succeeds, stumbling blocks are thrown in the main character's path. A character's path to success is not easy. He/she must try to succeed, at least, three times.
  • Characters probe for answers to a murder.
  • Someone sprinkles false clues around "fiction world."
  • Frustrated, but determination pulls the character along.
  • The same character makes a desperate move.
  • Suspense builds as to what will happen.
Conflict means a clash while differences surface.
  • At this point, the two opposing forces meet. 
  • Betrayal and bitter words are exchanged.
  • Each knows the position of the other.
  • One wins or loses in this particular round.
  • Respect can come from this encounter.
Opposing parties prepare to out-do each other to the end. The conclusion is not always a happy one for characters, but should be fair to readers and exciting. Or, the end is not expected by readers.  

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