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Start Writing
Stop Writer's Block

Sunday, October 5, 2014


What's Fiction?

Fiction is invented, the imagination churned it into existence or was created from an individual's view of a world. Characters are sprinkled into a setting to love, live or solve a problem. It's the actual participation in fiction related writing, short stories, novels, television, stage and screen plays.

Short Stories

A short story has one problem to address, but more problems and issues are weaved through longer fiction. It depends on the length of the fiction as to how many problems and issues are stirred-in. Or, work with as many problems and issues that you're comfortable handling.

Keep a Journal

It's a good idea to make friends with journals. A journal is where you store writing ideas, and fragments of writing ideas. They can be retrieved as you need them. They are the stuff of writing projects yet to be, and an excellent remedy for writer's block.

A Possible Journal Entry 

October 3, 2014

Store Visit
--walked into XYZ Store
--a young male worker unpacking items
--threw boxes around
--banged, stomped, rolled his eyes
--very rude

A writing idea and a character, Brandy Young, description was based on the above journal entry. You'll see how it unfolds. You, too, bring a character to life. It isn't hard. Gather pieces of traits you've liked and/or disliked from various people. Perhaps, people you know, celebrities or those from your past.

Think about a character's description before you start profiling your character. How will your character look? What gender? Will he/she live in the city, country or suburbs? Will he/she be able to speak? Ask other questions to bring your character to life.

Character Profile
Meet Brandy Young who is 15-years-old. She dislikes her job, authority and is an aggressive person who lives in urban America. She applied too late for a Summer job. So, Brandy's mother asked a friend to hire her at the XYZ store where the friend is a manager. 

Brandy is normally disliked, talkative and the leader of most situations. The five-foot Brandy is always in disagreement with someone, except her friend. Connie agrees with Brandy on just about everything. The two have been friends since grade school.

Know Your Characters

You have to know your characters in order to tell their story well. Write as much as possible about a character. You don't have to use all of the information, but use the profiles as reference guides. It depends on the fiction's length as to how much of a profile is shared.

Let Characters Show-case Themselves

Let characters show-case themselves through dialogue, or other characters can drop rumors about this or that fictional person. The fictional family through actions gives insight to characters too. What is said or not said indicates information about characters.

Fiction Factors

Fiction has a beginning, middle and it concludes. Start in the middle of a problem or issue. Let readers witness the struggle.

"Here she comes, Brandy." Connie pointed across the street.

Brandy and Connie ran across Broad Street.

"What up wit ya talkin' 'bout me, Sandra?" Brandy pushed her.

"I didn't say nothin' 'bout you." Sandra's eyes filled with tears.

"You callin' Connie a liar too?" Brandy curled her fingers into a fist.  

You get an idea. Brandy isn't one to talk issues out.

At this point, the middle approaches.  


The following is an obstacle for Brandy.

"Why are ya messin' with my sista?" A female with hair several shades of purple said.

"Don't touch me." Brandy walked away.

Sandra's sister followed Brandy, but Brandy ran. Brandy zoomed home, jumped in and out of stores on the way. Sandra's sister lost her. Brandy jumped up the steps of her house and slammed the door behind her.

Brandy was restless after she ate dinner. She kept getting up, couldn't stay seated. She sneaked out of the house as darkness descended, left the front door unlocked. She made her way to Broad Street. She stopped short of going up Sandra's porch.

"There she is!" Sandra walked down her porch.

Brandy punched her in the face and ran.  Again, Sandra's sister trotted behind her. Brandy rushed in front of cars, almost was hit once and Sandra's sister gave up.

The next evening Sandra, her mother and sister rang Brandy's doorbell.

"May I help ya?" Mrs. Young asked.

"I'm lookin' for Brandy's mom." Mrs. Ivan said.

"That's me." Mrs. Young stepped back into the door.

 Ya're daughter beat-up my sista, and I'm gonna get her." Sandra's sister headed into the Young's house.

"No, I came 'round here to find out why ya're daughter is fightin' wit mine." Mrs. Ivan explained.

"I don't like what this woman said." Mrs Young pointed at Sandra's sister. "She's too old to hit a child and I'm calling the cops."

"No, no cops." The Ivan family left.

In the next week or two, Sandra saw Brandy at the mall. She approached Brandy.  

"I said one thin' 'bout ya, and I'm sorry."

"Ya bought people to my house, got me in trouble."

"Was tryin' to talk to ya, don't want my sista in it."

"Too late." Brandy walked away.

Days passed without Brandy and Sandra encountering each other. 

Brandy's mother managed to drag out of her what was going on. She demanded that Brandy apologize. Mrs. Young went to her bedroom.

Brandy left and ended up at Sandra's house.

Sandra's sister saw Brandy and grabbed her by the shirt. Brandy wiggled free, pushed her to the ground and kicked her. Sandra's sister jumped up but Brandy took-off running. Brandy didn't stop running until she was home.

Brandy told her mother what had happened. She left out the part about how hard she kicked Sandra's sister in the side with her designer sneakers. Mrs Young told her that they'd go back tomorrow evening.

Let's Pause

A Character's Quest

A character must try, at least, three times before succeeding. It shouldn't be easy for a character to solve his/her problem. A character is changed after a problem is solved. The reader wants to see how a problem or issue is resolved. Also, it gives the reader more insight to the characters. The strengths and fears are exposed.

The most intense moment happens and then the turning point.

The Story Continues

Connie rang Brandy's doorbell. Only, Sandra's sister was behind her. Sandra's sister pushed Connie through the door when Brandy opened it. Brandy landed against the wall, unharmed.

"I was wrong, and will apologize to Sandra," Brandy confessed.

"Not dat easy, brat," Sandra's sister reached for Brandy's throat.

Brandy jumped back. Sandra's sister stumbled but didn't fall. Sandra's sister punched Brandy in the face while Brandy slapped her head against the wall. Sandra's sister staggered.

"Get out of my house!" Brandy yelled.

"I dialed nine-one-one," Connie threatened.

"It ain't over." Sandra's sister stumbled out of the door.

"Why ya bring her here?" Brandy splashed down on the couch as she rubbed her jaw.

"Didn't know she was behind me." Connie sat across from Brandy.

"She crazy." Brandy went to the kitchen to get ice for her jaw.

The two girls watched television. Connie decided to go home.

Mrs. Young arrived home from work. Brandy gave her account of what happened.

"I'm callin' cops."

"Mabe, it's betta if we go 'round dere like ya planned."

Mrs. Young agreed. 

They had tuna fish sandwiches and ice tea for dinner.

Before long, they retired to their bedrooms.

Saturday rolled around. It was about noon when the two left to go to Sandra's house. It didn't take long to get there.

Sandra's sister answered the door. She grabbed Brandy around the throat before a word was exchanged. Brandy started punching any spot. It took both mothers and a man to peel her hands from around Brandy's throat.

Mrs. Young pulled out her smart phone.

"No cops," Mrs. Ivan pleaded.

"This woman tried to kill my daughter." Mrs. Young consoled Brandy.

"I'm all 'ight," Brandy said. She coughed. "I came to apologize."

"I'm sorry too." Sandra's eyes filled with tears.

Everyone looked at Sandra's sister.

"I ain't done nothin' to apologize for." Sandra's sister disappeared into the house.     

"If I see or hear that woman anywhere near my child, I'm callin' da cops," Mrs. Young made clear.

Mrs. Young and Brandy headed home.

"I'm not sure Sandra's sister will leave me 'lone." Brandy told her mother as they entered their house.

"Don't go near 'em, and she seem to be scare of da cops. Call 'em on her."

"Not going near 'em."

They heard someone's feet beating against the ground. They turned around to see Sandra's sister charging them. She slowed down, and stepped up to Brandy.

"Can we drop dis"? Brandy asked.

"Nope." Sandra's sister replied.

"What's wrong..." Mrs. Young started to say.

"Shut up!" Sandra's sister shouted.

Mrs. Young pushed Sandra's sister away from her daughter. The two women pushed, shoved and fists flew. Brandy jumped on Sandra's sister's back which forced her head to bang on the ground. Sandra's sirster plopped down on the ground and didn't move.

Mrs. Young grabbed Brandy's hand and went home.

Brandy and her mother never spoke of the incident, but Brandy's bullying ways disappeared as did Sandra's sister.

The end is where all the loose threads are explained. In other words, every story line that you introduced must be explained and settled.

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