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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How to Reach a Writer's Goal

How to reach a writing goal is as unique as a writer's word-print. The suggestions in this post are for writers to mold, stir into his or her individual style. It's you that add flair, truth, emotion, to word creations. The process is started by goal planning.

Set Goals

1. Write down your goals.
2. Work on one goal at a time.
3. Select the most important goal.
4. Decide on a time-frame.
5. A novel in three months, for example.

Writing Time

1. Find a writing place.
2. Write everyday at the same time.
3. Writing time lasts, at least, two hours.
4. Schedule the time in your calendar.
5. Paste-up reminders of your goal.


1. Often, you have to remove an activity from your life to make room for a goal.
2. It takes effort to reach a goal.
3. People, places, things, that aren't supportive must be removed.
4. Positive people inspire.
5. Connect with them.


1. Distance yourself from people who try to stop you from succeeding.
2. How to reach a writing goal requires choices.
3. Reach your goal for a better quality of life.
4. Or, linger where you are.
5. Believe in your goal and yourself.

A writing goal happens when it's set, worked on, made time for with effort and determination. Still, you have to let go of the negative people who drown out success with the noise of chaos. Sprinkle into your life positive people and their inspiring words.

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