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Friday, July 8, 2011

To Write Or Not

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Secret Writers

Writers, people, have the choice to
write or not as with any option.
Passion has to be mixed into
writing, to do it well. Passion
is a key factor for writers.

Passion, strong feelings, encourages
a writer to jot down four paragraphs
or more on the don't-feel-like-writing
days. It's the igniter when a writer
wants to edit tomorrow, next week.
Passion pulls a writer back to a
writing project.

Passion insures that a writer gets
pass the haters and nay-sayers.
Haters and nay-sayers force secret
writers to stay in closets. They,
too, crush a writer's ability to
stand-up as a writer.

"Get a real job." A hater said to
a friend or relative.

"You can't write." The nay-sayer
sneered. "'Cause you ain't gettin'

Many jobs, positions, exist where
people don't receive payment, money.
The term for it is intern or internship.

The writer provides writing talent,
and an organization benefits from
a writer's skills. The writer learns
a new skill. Sometimes, the writer
learns more than originally agreed on.

Writers, for the most part, are curious
and like learning new skills. Stir-in
passion with a writer's curious
nature and word pictures happen.

Secret writers shouldn't deny themselves
an opportunity to openly write. If you're
a secret writer, you've made the choice
to write. It's one step out of the closet.

A rejection slip is a part of the writer's
life. It's in the same category as haters
and nay-sayers.

Look through work rejected by a publisher
to find reasons it didn't get published.
Occasionally, publishers will explain
why you received a rejection slip,
rejection of the piece.

Secret writers expressing themselves
in blogs or using social web sites
have half-stepped out of the closet.
Simply, writer-up and be read.

I know from experience how hard it is
to quiet the passion for writing. It
refuses to be still and unexposed.

I can't imagine the plight of the
secret writer.

I, personally, look for positions that
will teach me a new skill, and where
my talents roll-out successes.

People, writers, have the choice to write
or not. Writers shouldn't let haters and
nay-sayers push them into being secret
writers. Call on your passion for help.


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