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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Story Ideas?

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

Authors get story ideas from life,
family members or social networks.
Each author will provide a different
answer. Everyone have a different
view of the world, or gather story
ideas differently.

I was unjustly fired from a job some
years ago. From time to time, I'd
jot down accounts of what happened.
Writing down incidents helped me see
the situation clearer as well as
moving me forward in life.

I kept looking at what was written,
and decided to write a book. My book,
Grave Street House, was published in

An excerpt from Grave Street House.

When I walked onto my street heads
bobbed and turned,
some people cried. They knew the horror
awaiting him. A few drifted into their
places of security. The homeless intruder
wobbled, stumbled on his way into the
House. They reacted with clear warnings
to stay out. He ignored them. He, slowed
down, whirled his head toward me with
fear in his eyes. I motioned with my
hand for him to come back. I rushed
closer to the House, forced my way
through the mob of people.

Family is an excellent source for story
ideas. Have your family talked around a
secret, no one knew what really happened?
An idea is to do research to find out
the facts and then write about it.

A second story idea is of a certain
family member's favorite word- dang.
The word could become that of a
fictional character.

A third story idea from family is
relatives re-telling what happened
to a neighbor on a wintry night.

Networks, like Twitter, offers an
author various story ideas. Look at
any tweet to get a story idea. Find
a tweet that would interest a large
segment of the population. Spin-out
an attention grabbing title. Work
the story idea. Let your creative
flow run free.

In closing, authors get story ideas
from anywhere that they go. It's a
matter of picking one with large

Read more:

1 comment:

Critique and Write said...

Story ideas are in the air, wind and all around.

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