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Friday, June 24, 2011

How to Make Time for Writing

Have a question? Agree, disagree,
with me? Leave me your opinion.

It's easy to give yourself excuses
for not making time to write,
and complaining that a writer's
work is sub-standard.

Before long, people will make fun
of you. When words related to
writing part-from your lips, most
will ignore you or nod. Like:

"Sure," A friend.

Or, slice-away two hours, during
the morning or evening, for writing.
When to write is up to you, your

The early morning hours, before
your day begins could work well.
Dawn may suit you better. Midnight
is the hour?

Select the same time each day for
writing. It'll become a good
writing habit. It's never too
soon to develop good writing
habits. This time is just for
you, your writing.

Prior to writing time, as you're
preparing to write, think writing
thoughts. Look at a specific
writing idea inside-out. How will
you start writing it? What angle?
What information will be included?

You'll write, often, more than two
hours. Some days, less than two
hours of writing will get produced
by you.

Life is always throwing curves and
blocks. Continue to write through
them. A few written paragraphs has
the ability to make you feel better
than not to have done any writing
at all.

"I still don't know what to write?"
You sighed.

Write a poem. Fiction? Non-fiction?
Or, write anything that comes to mind,
free writing.

The word sun popped into my mind,
for example. Turn the word into a
poem. I came-up with Limericks.

Ms. Sun

There was a lady called Ms. Sun
Of whom ate a large steak bun.
The wastebasket, she bent
Her stomach lost its contents,
On the floor she muttered, "Hun."

The second Limerick follows.

Here comes picky Jenny
Searching for a certain penny.
Lost years ago.
Or, so told by Ringo
Another story is being spread by Lenny.

Take a look at the last Limerick.

A rising sunshine
Beaming on a jar of pine.
Kicked by feet.
Along the beat
Made the air smell fine.

A Limerick is a non-sense poem in five
lines, humorous. The first, second and
fifth lines rhyme with each other. The
shorter third and fourth lines rhyme.

Experiment to see where your free
writing takes you.

The word sun can spin into son, Jenny
or penny for fiction. It's up to you,
your creative flow.

Non-fiction leads to a study of the
planets, possibly. There's no limit
on your creative flow.

In conclusion, writing requires practice.
Schedule time, morning or evening,
to explore it.


1 comment:

Critique and Write said...

Pen-in writingfor yourself time .

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